All retreats are very allowing, healing and beautiful and at the same time challenging in different ways depending on your journey. We are holding space for the initimate meeting in heart – with yourself and others. You are open, willing and ready to take the next step on your path to a Soulful Life. I co-create my retreats and courses with collegues and organizers for your safety and convenience. Some accommodation with simplicity and some in luxury depending on the journey.

Every journey includes:
Mindfullness – presence training, here and now
Yoga – A way of living – heal and strenghten body, mind, soul
Meditation – breating & being
Guided visualisation – healing, transformation, connection, creating life
Mental training – changing approch, creating new beliefsystems, goal & life vision.


Toltec cermonies & music meditation journey


One hour from Mexico City is Teotihuacan and the sacred pyramid where we make a profound and beautiful work, leaving old patterns and walk towards the new times and higher consciousness. We develop more presence, open up our heart and release thoughts and behaviors that hinder the flow of life . The daily music meditations transform on a cellular level and helps our physical bodies to raise in frequency.



Soulful Living

We raise our consciousness, finding a more compassionate relationship with ourself, others and life. You will find a more heartfull  inner and outer dialogue and living more from within as a wholehearted person in connection with peace and joy. This course is very relaxing, smooth and with a lot of pleasure. A fulfilling and recharging week



Self Mastery

This course is for you who are ready to take the next step in your life! A challenging, deep and beautiful retreat in higher consiousness. It is about your personal and spiritual development. We will go deep within your ego and create a good relationship between the mature ego and your Soul. About living your dreams and unfold life.



WIP–retreat – for couples

Wisdom In Pleasure – for couples who are willing to grow side by side and closer together. A beautiful retreat with a lot of pleasure, personal development and heart to heart communication.




Check out my testimonials here!

Work with me

You can book me for retreats or courses in your country or in Sweden.
It is also appreciated to combine a meditation evening a day before (for those who are curious) and private session while I am there.You have good benefits and profits as an organiser. I also have sessions on Skype.

I am flexible depending on your needs