Active transformation – “To be Transformed”


Who do you choose to be? How do you choose to live?
All my work is for you to be a more wholehearted person, to create a more soulful living and finding ways for you to co-create with life. You are willing to take responsibility to actively change and work with our own development.


Transformational coaching & mentoring

Individually & in Groups

As a therapist, coach and spiritual teacher I use my intuition, knowledge and long time experience. I use different ways and tools to meet you where you are.
Group coaching – gather and develope together – learning from each other, the power of the group groupdynamic  and having support thru change is such a powerful way to develop.
Though I for many years have worked with Leadership development, coaching managers in large organisations and at the same time worked as a  therapist in crisis situations I am accustomed to different needs.




Transformational treatment

Shamanic work, healing, therapy treatments
The Journey ( Brandon Bays)
I work with everything from just enjoying a wonderful hour of self expansion to heal sexual abuse trauma. Therapy, guided visualisations, healing and different transformation work. 



Couple coaching & mentoring

love-888343__180Consious relationship – coaching for couples
Development – transform & grow together
Heart to heart communication sessions
Energywork – Meeting the masculine and feminine within and toghether
Sexuality – develope your sexual wisdom, passion and joy




Peaceful Transformation – “To Be”


Presence and stresscare training

Mindfullness – presence training, here and now
Meditation – breathing & being
Guided visualisation – healing, transformation, connection, creating life
Mental training – changing approch, creating new beliefsystems, goal & life vision



Welcome to explore your potential and remembering your true essens!
You can also sign up for Skype sessions at