Mexico retreat

Toltec wisdom & Music meditations with
Anna & Jonas Ugander
svensk version längre ner
It’s time for me and my father to return to Mexico where we have had retreats for many years. Participants often say after our trips here that there is a life before and life after Teotihuacans pyramid field and powerful transformations. The ceremonies have thousands of years of traditions and music meditations transforms the cellular level to raise our consciousness and frequency.
A course in higher awareness in Mexico by Jonas and Anna Ugander. An hour from Mexico City is Teotihuacan with the sacred pyramid area where you will be able to perform a tough job with yourselves and leave old patterns behind you and walk towards the new times higher consciousness and the life you choose to create for you. We will be trained to be in the present, fully. Use our senses, taking in elements, open up your heart and let go of our thoughts that prevent us to live fully.
Anna will lead yoga/meditation and the beautiful ceremonies in the pyramid area. We experience the Toltec tradition and philosophy. Toltecs were scientists, spiritual masters, philosophers and artists who formed a society to explore and preserve the ancestral spiritual knowledge “The art of life”. We inspire you to read Miguel Ruiz’s book “The four agreements to a better life” in preparation for the work we will do. We will also benefit from various shamanic ceremonies.
In The Dreaminghouse beautiful environment leads Jonas you in the healing music meditations that he worked with over 25 years in various places in the world. A process work in your personal and spiritual development toward a higher consciousness and richer life.
The stay in Mexico will be six days to a cost 11 900 sek. The price is all inclusive, (flight not included): course with all the ceremonies, beautiful accommodation, home cooked fresh food, group transfer to and from the airport, entrance to the pyramids for 4 days, trip to Tolantongos caves with hot springs from Mother Earth’s interior. On excursion day, we e out and that’s not included. The departure day we visit the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, among others voted the most visited Catholic shrine in the world. Flight home should resign evening, about 9pm.
Flight to Mexico City is booked and paid on your own. We will recommend you a flight when you have your registration so we can transfer together.
Send a text to 0733-167010 to find out if there are availability.
You have a reservation when the note fee 3000 sek (or 11 900 sek) to bank account.
Registration is binding (3000 kr).
Swedish BG 5069-0734. Write your name, date, Mexico.
Send a text to 0733-167010 with all contact info about you when you have done your payment.
Read more and watch video on You will have the pleasure to meet our dear friend Alberto and his family.
The trip requires good physical health as we walk and climb a lot in the pyramid area. Read what others have experienced and see picture from previous courses in Mexico on under “Retreats” eller wish you a warm welcome and look forward to a week together on both an inner and outer journey.
There will be yoga before breakfast during the week

We welcome you and are looking forward to a wonderful week on an inner and outer journey with you!

You will find more pictures from our journeys under Retreatpictures Mexico
You will find more of our participants experiences of the journey under Testimonials
“The trip was much more than I could expect. It was a very special trip. Five whole days in Mexico gave me an experience of 50 years. It’s the most fun and adventure richest days of my life. Very intense days, but that’s just what suits me. I’m really happy with everything and think that everything that we did take part of, should be in the program for the next course. Very good arrangement. We were very busy all days and the best thing about it was that they were completely free from stress. Many thanks for all experiences. It is the best trip ever. And I have to go back to Mexico, for my heart is still in Tolantongo. With enormous thanks for everything that Iexperienced during the days and for your humility and professional and loving support.With huge hug. Natalia”

Mexico retreat

Toltekisk visdom & Musikmeditation med
Anna & Jonas Ugander
Tid att njuta av Mexico där jag och min pappa hållit retreats i många år. Kursdeltagare brukar säga efter våra resor hit att det är ett liv före och ett liv efter Teotihuacans pyramidområde och kraftfulla transformationer. Ceremonierna har mångtusenåriga traditioner och musikmeditationerna transformerar på cellnivå för att höja vårt medvetande och vår frekvens.
En timme från Mexico City ligger Teotihuacan med det heliga pyramidområdet där ni kommer att få utföra ett djupt arbete med er själva och lämna gamla mönster bakom er och vandra mot den nya tidens högre medvetande och det liv du väljer att skapa för dig. Vi tränas i att vara närvarande, känna in, använda våra sinnen, ta in elementen, öppna upp hjärtat och släppa tankar och beteendemönster som hindrar er att leva fullt ut.
Anna leder yoga/meditation och de vackra ceremonierna på pyramidområdet. Vi får uppleva Toltekernas tradition och filosofi. Toltekerna var vetenskapsmän, andliga mästare, filosofer och konstnärer som bildade ett samhälle för att utforska och bevara förfädernas andliga kunskaper ”The art of life”. Läs gärna Miguel Ruiz bok ”De fyra grundstenarna till ett bättre liv” som en förberedelse på det arbete vi kommer att göra. Vi kommer också att få ta del av olika shamanska cermonier.
I The Dreaminghouse sköna miljö leder Jonas er i de dagliga musikmeditationerna och processarbetet i er personliga och andliga utveckling mot ett högre medvetande och rikare liv.
Vistelse i Mexico 6 dagar. I priset 11 900 kr inkluderas allt på plats (flyg tillkommer): kurs med alla ceremonier, härligt boende, hemlagad fräsch mat, grupphämtning till och från flygplats, inträde till pyramiderna för 4 dagar, utflykt till Tolantongos grottor med varma källor från Moder Jords inre. På utflyktsdagen äter vi ute och då tillkommer lunch. Avresedagen besöker vi The Basilica of our Lady of Guadalupe i Mexico City, bl. a. utsedd till den mest besökta katolska helgedomen i världen. Flyget hem bör därför avgå kvällstid, helst tidigast kl 21.
Flyget bokas och bekostas på egen hand, ca 7500 kr. När du anmält dig kommer vi att rekommendera flygtider för att kunna samordna kostnadsfri flygtransfer till och från The Dreaminghouse.
Anmälan intresse på 0733-167010 för att se om det finns platser kvar.
Du har en bokad plats när anm. avgift 3000 kr (eller 11 900 kr) är bet enligt nedan.
Anmälan är bindande (3000 kr). BG: 5069-0734 skriv namn, datum, Mexico.
Skicka Sms till 0733-167010 med alla dina kontaktuppgifter när du gjort din inbetalning.
Läs mer och se filmklipp på Ni kommer att få möta vår hjärtlige vän Alberto och hans familj.
Resan kräver en god fysiskt hälsa då vi promenerar och klättrar mycket i pyramidområdet. Läs mer om vad andra upplevt från tidigare kurser och se bilder under “retreat” menyn, testimonials och retreat pictures.
Dagen startar med Yoga före frukost under veckan.

Vi önskar er hjärtligt välkomna och ser fram emot en vecka tillsammans på både en inre och yttre resa.

You will find more of our participants experiences of the journey under Testimonials
“The trip was much more than I could expect. It was a very special trip. Five whole days in Mexico gave me an experience of 50 years. It’s the most fun and adventure richest days of my life. Very intense days, but that’s just what suits me. I’m really happy with everything and think that everything that we did take part of, should be in the program for the next course. Very good arrangement. We were very busy all days and the best thing about it was that they were completely free from stress. Many thanks for all experiences. It is the best trip ever. And I have to go back to Mexico, for my heart is still in Tolantongo. With enormous thanks for everything that Iexperienced during the days and for your humility and professional and loving support.With huge hug. Natalia”